Sometimes you just need to listen to a Witch.

The other night while I was cooking dinner, I popped on one of my favourite Kate Bush albums, Hounds Of Love. I was pottering away chopping the vegetables and soon found myself sobbing uncontrollably. You can listen to the same songs 1000 times over, yet the poetry will always find new ways to reach you where you need it. I like to think of Kate Bush and her work as a magical bridge between this world and another.


The last seven tracks on Hounds Of Love were originally on side two of the album release, and subtitled The Ninth Wave Suite.

They tell the story of a woman lost at sea. She drifts in the darkness and shifts between mental states, fighting against the tide and for the strength to keep afloat.

Listening and crying, I walked over the bridge made of song lyrics and found myself journeying back through memories of the last 18 months, my body finally willing and able to release.

The Hounds Of Love are hunting

I travelled back

Taurus Lunar Eclipse November 20th 2021

And Dream Of Sheep

Ooh, their breath is warm

And they smell like sleep

And they say they take me home

Like poppies, heavy with seed

They take me deeper and deeper

Taurus Solar Eclipse May 1st 2022

Under Ice

There's something moving under (under the ice)

Moving under ice through water

Trying to (it's me)

get out of the cold water (it's me)

Something, (it's me)

someone help them

Scorpio Lunar Eclipse May 16th 2022

Waking The Witch

I question your innocence

She's a witch (help this blackbird, there's a stone around my leg)

Ha, damn you, woman (Help this blackbird, there's a stone around my leg)

What say you, good people (guilty, guilty, guilty)

Well, are you responsible for your actions? (This blackbird)

Not guilty (help this blackbird)

Wake up the witch

Get out of the waves

Get out of the water

Scorpio Solar Eclipse October 25th 2022

Watching You Without Me

There's a ghost in our home

Just watching you without me

I'm not here (You don't hear me)

But I'm not here (you can't hear me)

But I'm not here (you don't hear what I'm saying)

Taurus Lunar Eclipse November 8th 2022

Jig Of Life

Where on your palm is my little line

When you're written in mine

As an old memory?

Never, never say goodbye

To my part of your life

Oh no, no no no.

Never, never, never!

Never, never let me go!

She said

C'mon and let me live, girl!

The grief pulled like seaweed as I rolled with the clutching undercurrent of Scorpio, holding out hope for stable ground in Taurus. Goodbyes. Too many Goodbyes to those gone too soon. A final release and then a clearing. Calmer waters. Hello Earth. Hello Life.

Scorpio Lunar Eclipse May 6th 2023

Hello Earth

I get out of my car

Step into the night

And look up at the sky

And there's something bright

Traveling fast

Look at it go

Look at it go

Taurus Lunar Eclipse October 29th 2023

The Morning Fog

I am falling

Like a stone

Like a storm

Being born again

Into the sweet morning fog

D'you know what?

I love you better now

I crossed the bridge safely back to my kitchen. Awake. Alive, with the gentle memory of my friend Julia telling me

“I’m grateful for the way Death can really open us up to Life.”

The Final Eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus will arrive on May the 5th, and October the 29th of this year.

Hours before the Sun enters Taurus tomorrow on the 20th of April, it will be gobbled up by the head of the Dragon, forming the first Eclipse in Aries at 2:16pm AEST. The opening chapter of a new story, as we prepare to finish the last.

I have a comforting feeling that something good is going to happen friends. I don't know when, but as Kate always said, “just saying it could even make it happen.” 


